Same Day Appointments Available and New Clients Welcome!
Here is a list of our current rebates and coupons offered at the clinic. If you purchase any of these products from us please ask the front desk for more information on how to obtain your rebate.
Heartgard Rebate
Buy a 12 month supply of Heartgard for your dog receive a $12 mail in rebate Visa card. Rebates expire on 12/31/18.
Frontline Gold Special
When you buy a 3 pack of Frontline Gold for your dog or cat receive 1 free dose. When you buy a 6 pack of Frontline Gold for your dog or cat receive 2 free doses. Offer Expires 12/31/18.
Previcox Rebate
Buy 15 doses of Previcox and recieve a $5 mail in rebate Visa gift card, buy 30 doses of Previcox and recieve a $12 mail in rebate Visa gift card, or buy 60 doses of Previcox and recieve a $26 mail in rebate Visa gift card. Rebates expire 12/31/18.
Heartgard & Nexgard Rebate
Buy a 12 month supply of Heartgard and a 6 month supply of Nexgard and receive a $25 mail in rebate Visa gift card. Buy a 12 month supply of Heartgard and a 12 month supply of Nexgard and receive a $50 mail in rebate Visa gift card. Rebates expire 12/31/18