Same Day Appointments Available and New Clients Welcome!

Darien Animal Clinic has multiple veterinarians that are USDA accredited to complete domestic and international health certificates. Darien Animal Clinic's veterinarians are registered and have access to the USDA APHIS VEHCS system allowing us to electronically submit the documents to the USDA for them to process and verify the documents. Darien Animal Clinic is registered to electronically submit USDA International health certificates.
Any questions in regards to the new CDC Rabies Requirements
Starting August 1, 2024 at 12:01AM ET, new rules go into effect. Use the DogBot below to determine what rules apply to your dog based on the dates of travel and where your dog is traveling from.
Due to the extensive time that is needed to research, prepare, and process International Health Certificates there is a deposit of $100 needed to secure an appointment at the time of scheduling.