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Laboratory Services

Our in house Idexx Veterinary Lab Suite

We utilize all of IDEXX Laboratories' entire vet lab suite.  This allows us to run hematology, blood chemistries, urinalysis, electrolytes, endocrinology, coagulation, and blood gases.


Procyte Dx allow us to run comprehensive CBCs in just minutes with just drops of blood.  This is very important in determining how your pet is doing, taking only about 2 minutes to complete. If you want to know more click here


Catalyst Dx allowing us to run comprensive chemistry panels in minutes and multiple patients at once even. If you want to know more click here


VetStat allowing us to run complete blood gases and electrolytes.
We utilize this for sick patients to help determine dehydration, this also allows us to maintain your loved pet at the correct fluid levels when sick or hospitalized. If you want to know more click here


CoagDx allows use to determine clotting times of your pets blood.
Possible toxicities, and Vitamin K deficiencies. If you want to know more click here


SnapshotDx allows use to run T4 test (screen for hypo or hyperthyroid), Cortisol test (screen for Cushing's and Addison's Disease), Bile acids test (Assess liver function). If you want to know more click here


Vetlab UA analyzer this allows us to run urinalysis with consistent and accurate results. Eliminating the human interpretation of the urine strip. If you want to know more click here

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